Saturday, April 12, 2014



好吧,這一切的一切都不需要解釋。已經不需要解釋了也沒必要解釋了。反正日子還是很長遇到這種的人還是會很多,應該學習如何面對這些人才對。哭訴只是帶來瞬間的爽快並無任何幫助。就是如此,這些事情都是由我在18歲那年一個人忙著工作在百多人的公司內與人起爭執口角甚至對立。搞到單位沒辦法正常營運且在輪班制度內主管還會知道怎麼調動人員。到了大學,我變成了一個放任的死小孩。完全不把人情世故放在眼裡卻到處去玩交遊廣闊就是因為我們沒有合作關係才有辦法這樣生存,如有合作的關係或者利益關係當人就會有“小人”的出沒。當然不知是這樣會出現小人,小人妒忌你針對你或看你不爽是不需要任何理由的。而且他們還會理直氣壯的說“正常人”的不是且會在背後抹黑甚至搞一些有的沒的,但是到目前為止我一個人在外那麼多年還沒試過讓人得逞,而且還沒試過被人再後面亂搞只是一般被我發現我可能會被我雙倍或是更糟糕的事情都會發生。當然我不希望這些事情會出現以為Hillary<----- p="">
我的女人,你不能跟我去印度沒關係我會努力幫你完成願望。OK?你爸媽來就好好陪他們吧。真的可以不理我,沒關係我明白的。所以不用擔心ok?我會自己搞定的。就因為是我自己的事情所以必須自己完成。ok?love you Hillary感謝天讓我的女人頭腦是清醒的,還可以提醒我的頭腦。他的頭腦絕對比我的大,他的思考應該會比我清除多了。
p/s: i didn't say ur head big ar... 不要對號入座!!

Friday, April 11, 2014

It's April 2014

well.. its  april which mean 3 more month i'm gonna graduated from National Chiao Tung University i really hope i can made it... of course the most important things is the Thesis well it's kinda rough for my thesis.. those details and data are not really helps on my thesis data...

even then i interview from the organization or association those details are truly not enough for my complete thesis...

well last month March... was a bad month to me i think things just happened and i won't mention it again.. which is a useless things ever

looking Forward next month i'll have a short gap for my research period , i hope i won't effect my Graduation of course

i meet lot's of new person in these few month , including some Boss of some company or some research people... well i hope those i know can really helps me , and let me learn more from them.. it's like a Social Lesson for me... of course...
Social is my part of life
the more you know me the more you understand what's about the "Social" well to me.. it's like a Myth haha... a bit over ...

well we are looking forward to july my Research oral.. wish me luck
